Commercial Vendors

Welcome to the World Orama Festival, a captivating celebration of cultural diversity in Victoria, where we extend a heartfelt invitation to all non-food vendors to join in the festivities!

We are thrilled to welcome a wide array of services and organisations that support and empower diverse groups of people. Whether you provide essential services, innovative products, or unique experiences, your presence at the festival will undoubtedly add a special touch to this remarkable event.

If your organisation has a focus on new or emerging cultural groups in the community, we wholeheartedly encourage you to apply. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your dedication and commitment to fostering inclusivity and understanding among various cultural backgrounds.

Step into a world of possibilities as you interact with an engaged and diverse audience. The World Orama Festival offers a vibrant platform for you to connect with like-minded individuals, build meaningful partnerships, and make a lasting impact on the community.

We invite you to be a part of this extraordinary occasion where culture, creativity, and collaboration unite. Together, let's create an enchanting experience that celebrates the beauty of diversity and promotes a sense of togetherness.

Don't miss this chance to shine at the World Orama Festival! Submit your applications now, and let's create unforgettable memories together! We look forward to welcoming you with open arms to this incredible celebration of cultures.

Apply Here