
Access to our festival.  Further information about access/ parking/ and accessibility will be added shortly. 



Experience the vibrant tapestry of cultures at our multicultural festival workshops! Immerse yourself in captivating cultural performances, learn traditional crafts and culinary delights, and explore the beauty of language and communication.

Cooking Demonstrations

"Embark on a culinary adventure like no other! Join us at World Orama for an extraordinary culinary extravaganza featuring a diverse array of cooking demonstrations. From the vibrant spices of Mexican cuisine to the exotic aromas of Moroccan dishes, immerse yourself in a melting pot of flavors.

Experience the artistry of great chefs, including Masterchef favourite Sarah Todd, as they showcase their expertise in crafting cultural delights from around the world. Prepare your taste buds for a feast of global proportions, all under one roof at World Orama!"



Entertainment Program